By now you have heard of CBD. It is literally everywhere. You can find it in virtually every store, coffee shop, bar and restaurant. CBD has gone main stream. The biggest concern we have here at Puravida is making sure you are getting a quality product. There is a lot of CBD out there that’s not high quality. At Puravida we strive to carry only the highest quality products from companies we have vetted. The companies represented at PuraVida Baltimore are ethically sourced, fair trade and organically grown.
PuraVida Baltimore carries Mary’s Nutritionals , Charlotte’s Web, Plus CBD Oil, Flower Child CBD and Phytofamily. We have a wide range of dosage forms and strengths such as tinctures, capsules, concentrates, patches, balms/salves, and infused honey, edibles and more. Our knowledgable staff will be happy to talk with you and help you pick out the products best suited for your needs. See you soon.